9 Side Hustles Ideas to Make $1000 in Month

So you wanna start a side hustles and earn an extra $1000 a month. Well, here’s the key. I call it the side hustle pyramid, and following this strategy took me from broke school dropout to millionaire in my twenties. In this blog, I’ll guide you through the three different levels, explain what I did at each stage, and also give you nine up-to-date side hustle ideas that you can use to start making at least $1000 per month.

The first level is service-based side hustles
The first level is service-based side hustles

The first level is service-based side hustles. I’d always recommend starting with one of these side hustles as you don’t need any money to get going. These will also form the foundations of your side hustle pyramid, so it’s important not to skip this step. When I started out, I didn’t have a penny to my name. My family hardly had enough money for food, which meant I was always eating around at my friends’ houses. Looking back, I think this was a good thing, as I had to find a way to make money; it wasn’t a choice. So I started thinking about all the services I could offer to earn some extra cash. I did everything from washing cars to mowing the neighbor’s lawns. These side hustles still work; however, if you don’t wanna get your hands dirty, there are some great side hustle-based ideas that you can do online.

Video Editing:

Side hustle idea number one is video editing. The demand for a good video editor is sky high. My son Curtis used to do this when he was younger, and he managed to make around $10,000 a month. Seriously, guys, I know a handful of YouTubers that are screaming out for a good editor. But here’s the thing: not all people who can edit are good editors. Most people who call themselves an editor don’t actually have the full package. I want you to think of editing like the yin and yang symbol. The black side is the technical skill. You need to be able to cut and chop around, add music, and do all that complicated stuff. But on the white side is the storytelling skill. You gotta be able to structure the story in different ways to draw out emotions and keep the video interesting and the viewers engaged. I’d hire a great storyteller over a technically good editor any day of the week. So if you can edit and you’ve got a knack for storytelling, then this might be the right side hustle for you. Remember, there’s so many different options when it comes to editing. There’s long-form content, like podcasts, short-form, like TikToks, and even YouTube videos, like this one. Find a format that you enjoy the most and go for it. The last thing I’d say on this is that when I’ve recently been trying to hire video editors, most of them aren’t very impressive. So take it from me, it really doesn’t take much to stand out.

Graphic Designing:

Side hustle idea number two is graphic design. Graphic design is basically where art meets business. It’s all about arranging images and texts to get ideas, messages, and information across in a way that’s super visually appealing. It’s not just about creating something that looks good; it’s gotta drive results. This field is relatively easy to excel in. When I’m hiring graphic designers, I look for someone with common business sense, communication skills, and creativity. So if you possess all of these attributes, you should have no problem attracting clients. There’s so many different types of clients: people who want YouTube thumbnails, logo designs for their businesses, website designs, and even clothing design. If you focus on one of these niches, then you’ll make a lot of money as you’ll be seen as an expert in that sector. If you choose this side hustle, then you’ll need to be able to detach your emotions from your designs. Clients often request changes, and that can be hurtful when you’ve spent a lot of time creating something, but you can’t let this get in the way of making money. It is okay to explain why you believe in your ideas, but never make the client feel unintelligent. Keep in mind that they’re the ones that are paying you. I know that can be difficult to accept when you know the requested changes are not beneficial, but that’s part of the job.


Side hustle idea three is writing. I’m gonna be honest, some writers make as little as $600 a year, but if you get it right, then you can make thousands. I know that’s a huge difference, but stay with me because most writers are missing the crucial element to making this side hustle actually work. The majority of writers are artistically driven, but not business savvy. They wanna write the next “Harry Potter.” This means they aren’t actually writing what’s in demand. So no, I don’t suggest you become a traditional writer with a whole book series. Instead, you need to publish where the readers are. These readers are online. You could write copy for sales pages, emails for businesses, online articles, LinkedIn posts, or even scripts for TikToks and YouTube videos. Writing is great as you can work remotely from anywhere in the world. I know so many people out in Thailand at the moment, they’re living like kings in the day and just doing their work in the evenings. If what you’re writing is valuable enough, then you could even ask for a percentage of the sales that you contribute towards. While this isn’t completely passive income, it does mean that you aren’t just trading your time for money. You are instead getting paid based on your results.

Read More: How to make money on YouTube in 2024 best way


Side hustle idea number four is coaching. The pay for this one does vary depending on what you are teaching and how many clients you have. Someone I know is making $10,000 a month by being an online fish coach. Come on, Goldie, one more lap. This could be a personal best. You can do it! Oh, but seriously, I’m talking about someone who teaches you how to look after your pet fish. People honestly love this hobby. My son’s girlfriend just got a tank, and I can see why people are so keen to learn. Just like all the other side hustles I’ve suggested, this one really does rely on you bringing value. People will only pay for your coaching if they’re able to see improvement. Your coaching has to provide the client with lasting change and growth. For instance, you could start a coaching course on how to quit alcohol. My friend Rury did this, and he started a paid membership group called One Year No Beer. This group supports people in quitting alcohol and then helps them drink in moderation after they’ve completed the challenge. Your coaching could provide different video lessons, progress charts, and a community for others to share their experience. You could even arrange in-person events, like One Year No Beer. All of these are excellent choices for beginners. However, since service-based side hustles have a low barrier to entry, competition can be fierce. One way to stand out is by having an exceptional website. In today’s day and age, if you don’t have a website, you might as well be invisible. A website acts as your virtual storefront, open 24/7, offering information, building credibility, and ultimately increasing your earnings. This doesn’t have to take long to build because you can actually use the power of AI to make your website for you. Let me show you how to do it. I’m gonna use Hostinger. They have this really awesome AI-powered website builder. All you have to do is enter your brand name, like so, select the website type, describe your business, and now wait a few seconds, and there you have it, a fully professional website. You can then customize your website with their drag and drop feature. Oh, if you want a cool logo as well, they’ve got an AI logo maker that can do it for you. It’s honestly that simple. Hostinger are kindly sponsoring this portion of the video, so if you are interested in making a website like this, then you can use the link Hostinger.com/MarkTilbury. I also managed to get you an extra 10% discount if you use the coupon code, Mark Tilbury. Side note, they give you the option between the premium and business plan. Now, I recommend going with the business plan as it offers top AI tools, such as an AI writer, and e-commerce tools with zero transaction fees, and a free domain. If you want access to all of these features, then it’s only about $4 a month for the business plan, but I know from experience that it can save you far more than that, not to mention how much more money you’ll make with a professional looking website.

YouTube’s first billionaire:

Right, let’s get back to the side hustle pyramid. The second level is attention-based side hustles. What’s the difference between you and Mr. Beast? Attention. Mr. Beast has learned how to get attention online, which he’s used to become YouTube’s first billionaire. Attention is honestly one of the most valuable things to have as long as you can use it correctly. When I was younger, the internet didn’t exist. Yes, I’m really that old. So in order to benefit from attention-based side hustles, I had to go on TV and also compete in world championships for radio control helicopters all around the world. This got me known globally as one of the best in the game when it came to RC helicopters. They used to love me out in Japan especially, and I could then use that attention to make money. So how can you use attention nowadays? Well, side hustle number five is affiliate marketing. I bet you hear this side hustle chucked around online all the time, and for good reason too. The potential is insane. You can literally use your phone and make relatively passive income. In fact, I’ve personally earned more than $100,000 a month doing this. So let’s dive into how to do affiliate marketing. It involves you partnering with brands and promoting their products or services to your audience through either a website, social media page, or an email list. It’s even better to use all three. You can easily find brand partnerships on websites like impact.com. I know many of you may have never tried this before, so let’s run through an example. You’re interested in skincare. You get your phone out, take a video explaining why you like this moisturizer and how it can help people, and then you share it on your socials. You don’t even have to show your face. If your audience likes what they see and makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link, you get a commission. The most crucial part of affiliate marketing is trust. If your followers don’t trust you, then you’re never gonna get a single sale. Therefore, you should only ever recommend products or services that you personally use and believe in. This is the key to long-term success and repeat customers.

YouTube Content Creator:

Side hustle number six is YouTube. Creating a successful YouTube channel requires dedication, creativity, and hard work. The key to making money from YouTube is to create content that resonates with your target audience. This means understanding their interests, their problems, and what they’re looking for in a video. Start by choosing a niche that you’re passionate about and have some knowledge in. This could be anything from personal finance to cooking to tech reviews. Consistency is crucial. Upload regularly, engage with your audience, and continuously work on improving the quality of your videos. Once you’ve built a following, you can monetize your channel through ads, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and even fan funding through platforms like Patreon. Remember, building a successful YouTube channel takes time, but with persistence and creativity, it can become a significant source of income.

side hustle pyramid is all about starting with service-based side hustles to build a foundation
side hustle pyramid is all about starting with service-based side hustles to build a foundation

The third and final level of the side hustle pyramid is investment-based side hustles. This is where you use the money you earn from the first two levels to invest and generate passive income. This could include investing in stocks, real estate, or even starting your own business. For example, I started investing in real estate once I had some money saved up from my other side hustles. I would buy properties, renovate them, and then either rent them out or sell them for a profit. This allowed me to generate a steady stream of passive income and build long-term wealth.


In summary, the side hustle pyramid is all about starting with service-based side hustles to build a foundation, moving on to attention-based side hustles to leverage your online presence, and finally, investing your earnings to generate passive income. By following this strategy, you can build a solid financial foundation and achieve your goal of earning an extra $1000 a month or more. So, start today and take the first step towards financial independence!

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