4 things YOU should AVOID if you want to get RICH

Let’s cut out all the warm fuzzy self-help talk, and I’ll be the first person to speak to you frankly today. I’m going to tell you the four reasons why you’re poor. Reason number one is because you saw this title and it triggered you. You read to the first 1 or 2 paragraph of this blog, and it instantly triggered you, revealing far more about you than anything else. The first reason you’re poor is because you can’t look yourself in the mirror and be honest about your current situation. You can’t take criticism without trying to protect your ego.

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want to be rich

Usually, there are two things that most people can’t take responsibility for: how much money they have in their bank account and their weight. If you’re watching this blog, it means you have Wi-Fi and a device that connects you to the global economy, so you have no excuses. In the year 2024, if you still can’t figure out how to make money, shame on you.

Now, let me make a very important caveat. There are many people I know who don’t make much money and are genuinely happy. They love their situation and their life, and I can see it in their eyes. If they truly mean what they say, I salute them. Not everyone is destined to become a multi-millionaire. But if you’re watching this blog right now, it tells me you’re not happy with your financial situation. I’m never bothered by a fat person who acknowledges their situation and is content with it. My issue is with people who make excuses for their circumstances. They live a sad existence because they lie to themselves.

Everyone has their flaws. I drink alcohol, and I know it’s not good for me, but I don’t make excuses for it. I can assess my situation unemotionally. The first reason you’re poor is because you can’t look at your life critically without your ego getting shattered and without making excuses for your situation.

Identity is a funny thing in 2024. Everyone accepts that you can change your identity, but not when it comes to financial status. You can wake up tomorrow and stop identifying as poor and start identifying as rich, but many would crucify you for saying that. Your financial situation is 100% an identity. A lot of the beliefs you have about money are deeply programmed into your subconscious mind. My mother taught me to take as much as I could because we never knew when we’d get more, which was a poor mindset. Until I reprogrammed my mind, I couldn’t change my financial situation. You need to wake up and embody the traits of someone who is financially abundant.

People believe money is scarce, but it’s not. Understanding the world’s monetary system shows that money is abundant. The Federal Reserve prints money backed by nothing, and fractional reserve banking multiplies it. Money is a perception. When you realize this, it becomes clear that money is not scarce; it’s infinite.

People are either creators or consumers. Consumers pay the creators, making them rich. You are poor because you do not create anything; you simply consume. Until you create something of value that the market consumes, you will remain poor. If being an entrepreneur isn’t your goal, delete time-wasting apps like Instagram and TikTok. If it is, start creating alongside consuming.

The last reason you’re poor is because you are too much of a consumer and not enough of a creator. I love you guys, and sometimes I need to be intense to light a fire inside you. To solidify this knowledge, read the Want To Be Rich? Don’t Start A Business. These two blogs together will make you unstoppable. Love you guys, catch you next time.


Why am I poor?

The primary reasons are an inability to face your current situation honestly, making excuses, and not taking responsibility for your financial status. Additionally, many people consume more than they create, which limits their ability to generate wealth.

What does it mean to identify as poor?

Identifying as poor means holding deep-seated beliefs and mindsets that limit your financial growth. It’s a psychological state where you see yourself as lacking and unable to change your financial circumstances.

How can I change my financial situation?

Start by changing your mindset. Identify as someone who is financially abundant and embody the traits and behaviors of that identity. Educate yourself about money, the monetary system, and look for ways to create value in the marketplace.

Is money really abundant?

Yes, money is abundant. The monetary system allows for the creation of money backed by perception rather than tangible assets. Understanding this can help you realize that opportunities to earn money are plentiful.

What is the difference between creators and consumers?

Creators produce goods, services, or content that others consume. Consumers use what creators produce. To build wealth, focus on creating value that others will pay for.

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