Blog Income Report: How I Earned $300,212.85 From My Blog


Welcome to my comprehensive blog income report.

Up until now, I’ve been sharing monthly income updates but never revealed the total earnings from my blog in one report. So, I thought it’s time to do that.

If you’re new here, let me introduce myself. I’m Rana Waqar, a professional blogger from Pakistan and the founder of this blog ( On this platform, I focus on topics like personal finance, remote careers, and online business strategies.

In this income report, I’m going to share how my blogging journey began, how my life has transformed since starting this blog, and how I’ve successfully managed to run it for over five years. I’ll also dive into how the blog has generated over $300,000 in revenue during this time, even through global challenges like the pandemic and economic recessions.

I receive countless emails and comments daily from readers of this blog, often asking questions like:

“Are you really making money from this blog?”

“How much do you earn from blogging?”

Are you still making money with your blog in 2025?

The answer is a resounding YES! I’m still earning from this blog. How much? Stick around, because I’m going to break down every penny in this report. (A heartfelt thanks to every one of you who reads this blog – you are the reason behind this success.)

To be honest, reading other people’s income reports is what inspired and motivated me to start my own blog. If sharing my earnings can motivate you to start your own blog, I’ll be thrilled to share everything transparently.

So, let’s dive in…

The Beginning of My Blogging Journey

I graduated in February 2021 and began preparing for the CAT exam. During my free time, I explored different ways to earn some pocket money online. While a few methods worked, none of them brought in any significant income.

I launched this blog in August 2023 with zero knowledge, and for the first few months, I worked hard without seeing any income. It wasn’t until about 3 or 4 months later that I began monetizing the blog through Google AdSense and applied for a few affiliate networks.

Getting accepted by my first affiliate network was the toughest part, as most networks required prior experience and performance reports. But once I broke through and got accepted, I started applying to as many networks as possible. From there, I focused on creating more content and optimizing my monetization strategies.

Gradually, after working hard for 3-4 months without any results, I started earning a few hundred dollars a month.

At that point, my goal was to reach $1,000 a month, inspired by other bloggers’ income reports claiming to make tens of thousands of dollars per month. For a 22-year-old fresh graduate like me, even earning $10-$30 a day felt like a lot, so I was skeptical of those claims and thought they might be exaggerating or faking their reports.

But fast forward to March 2024, and I hit $3,000 that month. My blog was just eight months old and was already generating significant income. Earning $3,000 a month was a big milestone for me at the time.

How Blogging Changed My Life?

When I started this blog, I had no money in my bank account. To be honest, I borrowed money from a friend to cover the cost of hosting services for the blog.

I registered a domain, purchased hosting, and set up the blog. I had no prior knowledge about blogging, but I learned everything as I went along. It was a learning process that happened simultaneously with building and running the blog.

You don’t need to be perfect before you start; you start first and learn everything along the way.

Starting this blog was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Over the past five years, my life has transformed positively—from being broke to enjoying financial freedom. While I still have many dreams and goals, money is no longer a concern.

I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to pay off all our family debts and relieve my parents of that stress. I’ve witnessed their struggles and sacrifices throughout my life, and it means a lot to me that I could clear the $35,000 in debt we had at the time with the income from this blog.

Another proud moment for me is that I’ve built a house for my parents, thanks to the income from this blog.

I’ve also made some smart investments, built an emergency fund, and treated myself to a car and a bike. If you’re in a similar struggling situation as I was five years ago, I encourage you to give it your all and keep pushing forward. Good days will come your way. Stay true to yourself and your goals; it will all be worth it in the end.

If you’re really motivated to start a blog but find yourself hesitating, just take the plunge. You’ll learn everything along the way. You won’t achieve perfection by staying idle and overthinking; you need to start your journey to see progress.

Why Do I Publish Income Reports?

I publish income reports because many of our readers request them.

I still receive numerous comments and emails asking about how much this blog has earned. It takes me back to my early days when I was equally curious and inspired by other bloggers’ income reports. Now, people are asking for my own, so I don’t see any reason to withhold them. I believe it’s my responsibility to share these reports—not to show off, but to be transparent.

My main goal is to inspire others who are considering starting their own blogs. If these income reports can motivate someone to take the plunge and find success, then I’ll be thrilled.

Publishing income reports and sharing expenses also helps new bloggers learn about managing their blogs. It builds trust and fosters a stronger readership.

Ultimately, the main reason behind sharing these reports is to motivate both you and me.

How Do Income Reports Motivate People?

It’s absolutely true—seeing income reports can be incredibly motivating.

I’m a prime example of this. I was inspired and driven to start my blog by reading other bloggers’ income reports. While the process can be challenging and less exciting, seeing tangible results is what truly motivates people. That’s why I share my income reports—to provide you with the same kind of inspiration and motivation that helped me.

If you start your own blog after reading these results, then this article will have fulfilled its purpose. I, too, began my blogging journey after seeing the income report of a successful blog earning $100,000+ per month.

And that’s how my blogging journey began.

Who wouldn’t be motivated seeing someone making hundreds of thousands of dollars from writing articles while exploring the world?

I wanted those results and that financial freedom, so I jumped in right away.

Now, I want to show you what’s truly possible with blogging and how it can transform your life by sharing the real figures from these past five years. I hope these numbers inspire you to start your own blog.

Sharing income reports not only motivates you but also benefits me.

People are genuinely interested in income reports and engage actively in the comments. While I do get a bit of ad revenue from these pages, that’s not the primary reason for sharing my results.

Posting my progress publicly draws readers and fellow bloggers who track my updates. Even if they’re not all paying close attention, the accountability keeps me motivated to improve my figures for the next report.

It helps me stay focused on the blog.

Now, let’s dive into the actual figures you’ve been waiting for and start counting how much this blog has earned since its inception…

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