How to Drive Traffic from Pinterest and Make Money from Your Blog in 2025

For several years now, I’ve blogged and used Pinterest to earn a full-time income. I get the same question from new and experienced bloggers:

“How can I use Pinterest to drive traffic to my website?”
“How can I use Pinterest traffic to monetize my blog?”

I’m really surprised I’ve never written a post on this topic before. Especially since it is very important for bloggers. Looking back I think my hesitation came from self-doubt. In the beginning of blogging I struggle with anxiety and cheating symptoms. But as time passed I realized two important things and was able to overcome those feelings.

Life is too short to worry about what other people think of your content. in each step I gained valuable experience as a full-time blogger and content creator.

The good news is that I’m finally here to help you by covering the topic of Pinterest traffic today! In fact, I invested a lot of time into creating a free 7-day email course just for you. Where I will teach you how to dramatically increase your Pinterest traffic in just one week!

I will also share my own experience of how I went from 0 to 100,000 page views per month. I managed this with two blogs. And now I’m on track to be accepted into Mediawin with my third blog!

By the way, feel free to leave any comments or questions you have about driving Pinterest traffic to your blog or website. I’ll make sure to get back to you and help with any concerns or advice you need!
Before I delve into the details Let me share a little about my background. And how I use Pinterest as my main source of traffic.

If you’ve followed my blogging journey on dottech spot, you might be familiar with my blog income report. When I first started that series I’m new to blogging. I don’t know how to generate traffic or monetize my blog. I’m just a naive and naïve but incredibly excited new blogger. I experimented and learned along the way.

through hard work lots of learning Countless mistakes and determination I:

.learning how to make my first $100 from blogging,

  • logging $703.57 in my first income report in July 2018 (with 43,226 monthly pageviews from Pinterest),
  • earning $2,797.64 the next month, in August 2018, after getting accepted into Mediavine for display advertising (with 71,415 monthly Pinterest visitors),
  • to making over $5,000 a month by November 2018, my first year of blogging (with 97,443 pageviews from Pinterest).

It was terrifying, but I followed my heart (not my rational brain) and trusted my gut. I took the leap and quit my bank job, which I absolutely hated, by the end of 2018. By then, I was earning what most would consider a full-time income from blogging.

I didn’t have a crystal ball to see what the future held, but that leap of faith changed everything!

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