How to Create a Successful Blog in 2024 and Make Money

If you came here to learn “How to create a successful blog in 2024 and make money” You’ve come to the right place!

I firmly believe “Acquiring knowledge is the first step to wisdom. And sharing is the first step towards humanity.” In this article, I will explain each step I took to create a successful blog.

I want to share my experiences and insights with those who want to achieve financial stability anywhere in life.

First off, who am I? Why should you trust my advice? Is my blog really that profitable? And most importantly, how can you start a money-making blog?

The Real Story Behind the Dottech Spot Blog

(Note: This is a detailed article, but I encourage you to stick with me for a few minutes—I promise it'll be worth your time and could change your life by the end!)

Hello Dreamers! I’m Rana Waqar, a Software engineer turned successful blogger. My primary income comes from this blog, which I started back in 2021, and it took me less than a year to achieve that goal. Through this article, I’m thrilled to share my story and help you do the same.

A few years ago, my only “assets” were mounting debts, lack of knowledge, confusion about my career, and dark, aimless thoughts. This drove me to search for ways to make money online—just like you’re doing now.

Before I found blogging, I tried various things: I worked with MLMs, took surveys, and even did social media management for local clients. I earned some money, but none of these ventures were the life-changing opportunity I was seeking.

At times, I felt completely lost. But what I didn’t realize then is that “feeling lost can lead to greatness.” It may sound funny or unrealistic, but when you embrace it, it can really change your path.

From the small successes I gained from my previous attempts at making money, I began focusing more on my cognitivism—analyzing my actions and figuring out where things went wrong so I could improve.

During this process, I have to give special thanks to my friend Hanzla Shahzad from Stylogallery. He was the one who planted the idea of starting a blog and her guidance during those early days was invaluable.

At first, I struggled a lot with writing, especially since English isn’t my first language. But I worked hard to improve my writing style while building this blog.

In the end, all the hard work paid off and my life has completely transformed thanks to the success of this blog.

Starting this blog was the best decision I ever made. If you’ve thought about starting a blog but haven’t done so yet. I suggest you take action immediately.

Otherwise, you could miss out on an incredible life-changing opportunity. Whether we like it or not We all make mistakes, but “true wisdom comes from making mistakes, confronting them, and learning from experience.”

No matter where we are We all deserve the opportunity to change our lives to escape the challenges of everyday life, such as

  • High-Interest Debts(Debt Trap)
  • Boring/Stressful 8 Hour Job
  • Single Income Source
  • Subduing our urge for traveling.
  • Not passionately earning money.
  • Minimal earnings.
  • No Backup Emergency Fund.
  • No Money to invest on blog.
  • Long time failure.

I face the same struggles. And luckily, it can be overcome by trying new things. That’s my story. But will it work for you?

I would definitely say yes! If it works for me and millions of people. Why isn’t it working for you? However, making the right decision at the right time is key.

You can choose whether to pay $80,000 in tuition and land a $60,000 8-5 job, or you’re willing to invest $100 or less in a career upgrade that will make you even more successful with less time.

Note: I am not suggesting that you choose blogging over your current career. I’m just highlighting its potential.

You can start blogging as a part-time job like I did. I started blogging part-time And now I work full time, earning $6,000 to $8,000 a month. My goal now is to achieve my goal.

$10,000/month Now you know that blogging can be profitable But how much can you earn? What is the upper limit? Let’s explore how top bloggers earn from their blogs.

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty content of the blog, It’s important to understand why you should consider starting a blog!

Reasons Why You Should Start a Successful Blog?

  1. Establishes You as an Expert: Blogging helps you build credibility and position yourself as an authority in your niche.
  2. Generates Substantial Passive Income: With the right strategies, blogging can create a steady stream of income with less ongoing effort.
  3. Allows You to Be Your Own Boss: You get to control your work schedule, content, and business decisions.
  4. Fosters Your Confidence: Successfully managing a blog boosts your self-esteem and confidence in your skills.
  5. Engages and Attracts an Audience: Your content can captivate readers and grow your following.
  6. Marks Your Presence: A blog establishes your online presence and can serve as a platform for your ideas and expertise.
  7. Teaches You New Things: The process of blogging involves learning about writing, SEO, marketing, and more.
  8. Encourages Personal Growth: The challenges and successes in blogging contribute to personal development.
  9. Embraces Self-Worth: By sharing your knowledge and experiences, blogging allows you to recognize and enhance your own value.
Reading Note: Given the length of this article, I suggest you start by looking at the section below for an overview of how to start a blog. You can then pin this article to read in more detail when you have time. Trust me, you won’t regret investing the time!

Debunking the Myths That Are Holding You Back from Starting a Blog

After checking out the overview of how to start a blog, it’s also important to understand some common myths about blogging and why people often struggle to get started.

1. Blogging Doesn’t Work in 2024 or Later!

No, that’s not true!

Look at how much I’ve earned in just a few years—$300,212.85 from ad revenue alone, not even counting affiliate income. You can check my full income report here.

Blogging is still very much alive and effective, no matter the year. The internet isn’t just a habit; it’s a routine for billions of people worldwide who search for information daily. As long as people are using the internet, blogging will continue to work.

That’s a misconception. I heard the same thing when I started my blog two years ago. If I had given up then, I wouldn’t be making over $7,000 a month in passive income today.

2. The Myth of Blogging Saturation

Another common myth is that the blogging space is too saturated to be successful. Although there are many blogs out there, But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for new opinions. Niche blog A unique perspective And high-quality content continues to stand out and attract dedicated audiences. Success in blogging often comes from finding your unique perspective. Continuously deliver value and engage with your readers.

My Income Proof: Blog Income Report: How I Earned $300,212.85 From My Blog

My Income Proof: Blog Income Report: How I Earned $381,212.85 From This Blog

Yes, there is competition. But that doesn’t mean blogging isn’t for you.

Let’s look at the real facts about the competition:

  • There are millions of blogs on the internet.
  • Bloggers publish millions of articles every day. (Don’t be intimidated by these numbers!)

But here’s the positive side:

  • Not all blogs are active.
  • Many articles are outdated and replaced with new content in search results.
Note: This cycle keeps repeating. Got my point? Despite the number of blogs out there, you can still rank well in search results as long as you focus on creating high-quality content.

3. Blogging Is Too Expensive to Start

Would you consider paying $2.95 a month really expensive? Not at all, right?

This amount is less than the cost of a pizza, and that $2.95 monthly investment could potentially bring in over $10,000 a month with time and the right effort.

4. Article Writing Requires Advanced English Skills

This is another misconception! If anyone can debunk this myth, it’s me. I started with zero knowledge of blogging and limited English skills.

Being from a non-English-speaking country, I faced significant challenges with the language in the beginning.

Everyone faces criticism at some point, but it shouldn’t deter you. While a few people might focus on writing style and grammar, most readers care more about the content itself.

When your ideas and writing are engaging and authentic, people are much less concerned about minor mistakes.

5. Blogging Requires Technical Knowledge

Gone are the days when you had to learn programming to create a website or blog.

Today, even someone with no technical experience can set up and run their own blog in less than 30 minutes and manage it effortlessly.

6. Blogging Takes Forever to Grow

While blogging does take time to yield the results you want, it certainly doesn’t take forever. Expecting immediate results from a brand-new blog isn’t realistic. Unlike preparing a quick meal, blogging is about building a business that can transform your life.

Allow some time for your blog to grow. Great things take time, so be prepared to put in work for at least six months without expecting instant results.

7. Are There Effective Ways to Promote a Blog?

Using social platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Reddit can significantly boost your blog’s visibility. Consistent effort and high-quality content will drive growth over time. Stay dedicated and give your best while creating your content.

Once you start seeing results, you’ll experience exceptional growth and income. For example, my blog didn’t earn a dime in the first eight months but grew exponentially afterward.

I faced numerous rejections from ad and affiliate networks initially. Some of those platforms that turned me down came back later and asked to work with me.

That’s how things can change when you persist. So yes, blogging takes time to grow, but the results can be life-changing, just as they were for me.

Read: How To ACTUALLY Rank Your Website on Google’s First Page

8. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Blog

Now that we’ve addressed some myths and discussed key suggestions, it’s time for a clear, step-by-step guide to starting your profitable blog.

Take the next 10-20 minutes to set up your dream blog and get started on your journey!

Read: How to Start Your Blog Website with WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide

Step 1: Choose Your Niche (Topic) & Blog Name

As everyone advises, start by choosing a niche that you’re passionate about. This is the specific topic your blog will focus on. Once you’ve selected your niche, you can then brainstorm a catchy blog name (

Most blogs center around a specific niche. For example, this blog focuses on “Finance,” while other blogs might cover distinct niches like Health or Lifestyle.

Although you can technically blog about multiple niches, it’s often more effective to concentrate on one. Mixing niches may not be as successful in the long run. You can find more information about blog niches and their potential here.

When choosing your niche Don’t rely solely on your earning potential. Remember, you will be the one writing about it. Therefore, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about. If you are not interested in your chosen niche. You may feel frustrated or regret your decision later.

For example:

  • If you love cooking and recipes Start a food and recipe blog.
  • If you are a travel enthusiast Create a travel blog
  • If you like fashion and trends Please visit the fashion blog.
  • Other product niches include health, photography, lifestyle and technology.

Finally, there are no wrong channels. Any channel can be profitable if you consistently produce high quality content. Once you have success with your first blog You can expand your branch to other groups. that you are interested in at any time.

By now, you should have a favorite niche in mind. The next step is to find an available name for your blog’s domain address.

For example, this blog is called dottechspot, and its domain is “” You’ll need to come up with a catchy name for your blog, so start brainstorming.

To quickly find a unique and available name, try different combinations like or

Here’s how you can check for domain availability:

  1. Go to the Bluehost website.
  2. Click on WordPress (the first option in the menu).
  3. Select WordPress Hosting.
  4. Click on View Plans.
  5. Choose the BASIC plan under the options provided.

This will take you to the domain setup page where you can search for your desired blog name.

Read: What is blogging and How does it work Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Choosing the Best Hosting Service for Your Blog

Let’s begin by purchasing hosting services and linking your domain address. Visit or click the blue button below to get started.

We’ll guide you step-by-step on how to create your blog using, complete with images to help along the way. After clicking the button above, you’ll be taken to Bluehost’s homepage. (An image of the homepage is provided below).

For Desktop Users: Place your pointer on the “WordPress” option in the main menu at the top-left corner of the page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on the first option, “WordPress Hosting.”

For Mobile Users: Tap the “Ξ” (Menu symbol) in the top-right corner. Next, tap on “WordPress” (the first option), and then tap on “WordPress Hosting.”

Regardless of your device, after selecting WordPress Hosting, you’ll be redirected to the following page (image provided below).

3. Choose A Theme For Your Blog

Once you’ve logged into your account and created your password, you’ll be prompted to choose a theme for your blog. There are thousands of free themes available to select from.

To explore the available themes, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the Appearance tab, then select Themes from the left menu.

Since you’re just starting out, a FREE Theme will be more than sufficient. However, if you want your blog to have a more professional and customizable appearance, you can opt for a premium theme later on.

I recommend the Astra WordPress theme. It’s affordable, lightweight, and gives your blog a professional look.

Once you’ve selected and applied your theme, it’s time to launch your blog. Go ahead and click the Launch button to make it live!

You’ve successfully created your blog—give yourself a high-five! Congratulations on launching your first blog!

I wish you tremendous success ahead. Now, focus on working on your blog with full dedication. You’ve got this!

4. Important Plugins To Install

You now have a brand-new blog! Before you start writing, let’s enhance its professionalism by installing some essential plugins. If you’re not familiar with what plugins are, let me explain briefly.

A WordPress Plugin is a PHP script that extends the functionality of your WordPress site. It can add new features like contact forms, social share buttons, and SEO tools to your blog.

You don’t need to worry about coding; installing plugins is straightforward. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Click on “Plugins” in the left menu of your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select “Add New.”

The process is similar to installing an app from the Play Store or App Store: you search for the plugin you want and click “Install.”

Refer to the list below and install each plugin one by one.

Here’s a list of essential plugins to install:

  1. Akismet Anti-Spam – Protects your blog from spam.
  2. Contact Form 7 – Allows you to create easy contact forms.
  3. Google Analytics Dashboard by Monster Insights – Lets you check traffic directly from your dashboard.
  4. UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore – Enables automatic backups for your blog.
  5. W3 Total Cache – Improves site performance and speed.
  6. Yoast SEO – Helps optimize your pages and posts for search engines.
  7. Social Warfare – Adds social share buttons to your article pages.

Install these plugins one by one to enhance your blog’s functionality and performance.

These essential plugins will greatly enhance your blog. Setting them up is generally easy and straightforward.

If you encounter any difficulties, I recommend watching related tutorials on YouTube for step-by-step guidance. We’ll also aim to add a video tutorial on plugin installation here as soon as possible.

Once you’ve completed the plugin installation, it’s time to focus on what matters most: creating and publishing valuable content for your blog.

5. Start Writing Awesome Articles

Now that your blog is set up, it’s time to start writing articles. Share your thoughts, express yourself, and write about what you’re passionate about on your chosen topic. Follow your passion, and the money will follow. Be patient and persistent—your hard work will eventually pay off, often exceeding your expectations.

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